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. 2020 Dec 1;71(Suppl 3):S319–S335. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciaa1336

Table 3.

Sensitivity Analysis of Patient and Caregiver Cost of Illness Due to Enteric Fever: Direct Medical, Direct Nonmedical, Indirect, and Total Costs When Excluding Outliers, Karachi, Pakistan, September 2016–December 2018

Patients Who Only Reported Outpatient Care Expenses and did not Have a Nontraumatic Terminal Ileal Perforationa Patients Who Reported Inpatient Care Expenses or Had a Nontraumatic Terminal Ileal Perforationb All Patients
Cost Type n Median 25th Pctl 75th Pctl n Median 25th Pctl 75th Pctl n Median 25th Pctl 75th Pctl
Direct medical costs, 2018 US$
 Total direct medical costs 809 123.17 45.28 346.40 139 228.03 109.49 411.61 948 133.57 49.50 360.72
 Registration 393 4.12 2.14 16.46 48 4.12 1.68 12.55 441 4.12 2.06 16.46
 Clinical examination 25 4.12 1.65 6.84 19 5.76 4.12 15.40 44 4.70 2.76 10.29
 Inpatient stay 0 N/A N/A N/A 25 74.09 23.09 90.55 25 74.09 23.09 90.55
 Laboratory tests 202 25.66 10.70 49.39 50 32.11 8.23 82.32 252 25.66 10.07 51.32
 Drugs and medications 359 12.35 6.59 34.21 88 29.29 10.07 82.32 447 14.82 6.84 42.77
 Other servicesc 7 6.59 2.57 11.12 34 24.70 8.55 41.16 41 18.82 8.23 41.16
Direct nonmedical costs, 2018 US$
 Total direct nonmedical costs 683 4.28 2.47 9.88 120 23.87 8.23 75.96 803 5.13 2.57 13.17
 Transport 682 4.28 2.47 8.55 126 16.46 8.23 45.28 808 4.94 2.57 11.28
 Food, lodging, childcare 76 32.93 16.46 82.32 63 49.39 25.66 82.32 139 41.16 18.52 82.32
Indirect costs: patient
 Days spent seeking care 864 1.29 0.13 4.00 126 8.00 6.00 12.00 990 2.46 0.15 5.00
 Days unable to work 27 14.00 4.00 48.00 40 53.50 30.00 80.00 67 30.00 14.00 60.00
 Days of sick leave 51 14.00 7.00 28.00 3 20.00 10.00 60.01 54 14.50 7.00 28.00
 School days lost 392 30.00 15.00 45.00 35 58.00 22.00 90.00 427 30.00 15.00 50.00
 Total productivity loss, 2018 US$ 74 96.30 46.38 198.61 40 311.16 161.56 479.98 114 141.61 68.79 275.14
Indirect costs: caregiver
 Days spent accompanying the patient seeking care 846 3.26 0.33 9.00 125 16.00 10.13 24.00 971 4.31 0.42 11.00
 Days unable to work 164 5.00 2.00 12.00 96 15.00 8.00 22.00 260 8.00 3.00 15.00
 Days of sick leave 211 3.00 1.17 5.00 10 4.50 2.00 7.00 221 3.00 1.33 5.00
 Total productivity loss, 2018 US$ 368 20.69 13.24 46.34 102 82.75 41.34 127.53 470 27.51 13.24 68.79
Cost of illness
 Total cost of illness per case, 2018 US$ 838 141.68 57.63 397.91 137 460.90 244.91 833.13 975 178.76 68.87 455.89

Abbreviations: N/A, not applicable because it excludes inpatient care; Pctl, percentile.

a Expenses by patients who only reported outpatient care, regardless of patient recruitment location (outpatient care, inpatient care, hospital laboratory, surgery) and excluding patients with nontraumatic terminal ileal perforation.

b Expenses by patients with nontraumatic terminal ileal perforation, regardless of whether they reported inpatient care, and patients reporting inpatient care expenses, regardless of patient recruitment location (outpatient care, inpatient care, hospital laboratory, surgery).

c Other services that patients did not report in the above categories (eg, medical materials or equipment for surgery).