Fig. 3. Pfkfb3 or Pkm2 deficiency in myeloid cells delays pathological ocular angiogenesis.
(A and D) Representative retinal whole mounts from P17-OIR retinas of the indicated genotypes stained with isolectin B4 (red) with areas of vaso-obliteration (VO) and NV highlighted (white). Two selected retinal areas (yellow box) were enlarged to show pathological neovessels. Quantification of pathological NV (B and E) and VO (C and F) in OIR retinas was expressed as percentage of total retinal areas. n = 18 to 20 retinas for (A) to (C); n = 14 to 20 retinas for (D) to (F); Scale bars, 500 μm for original images and 200 μm for enlarged images. Data are means ± SEM. ***P < 0.001 by Student’s t test.