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. 2020 Dec 21;16(Suppl 3):e13065. doi: 10.1111/mcn.13065


Characteristics of the study population

Characteristic Study children (N = 300)
Age and gender distribution in the study population
Age, years, mean ± SD 11.74 ± 2.45
6–9 years, n (%) 54 (18.00)
10–13 years, n (%) 174 (58.00)
14–17 years, n (%) 72 (24.00)
Girls, n (%) 165 (55.00)
Boys, n (%) 135 (45.00)
Anthropometry of study children
Weight, kg, mean ± SD 33.39 ± 10.78
Height, cm, mean ± SD 141.51 ± 14.72
Stunted (HAZ <−2 to <−3), n (%) 43 (14.33)
Thin (BAZ <−2 to −3), n (%) 53 (17.67)
Overweight/obese (BAZ >+1), n (%) 15 (5.00)
Religion and community, n (%)
Hindus 251 (84.51)
Muslims and others 46 (15.49)
Scheduled caste and scheduled tribes 146 (49.16)
Backward caste and others communities 151 (50.84)
Family income per month, n (%)
High income (≥ INR 16,722) or (≥ USD 220.03) 101 (34.01)
Middle income (INR 10,840–INR 16,722) or (USD 142.63 ‐ USD 220.02) 98 (33.00)
Low income (< INR 10,840) or (< USD 142.63) 98 (33.00)
Level of education and occupation of parents, n (%)
Mother—uneducated 197 (65.70)
Mother—primary education (1st to 5th standard) 40 (13.30)
Mother—upper primary education & above (6th standard and above) 63 (21.00)
Father—uneducated 142 (47.30)
Father—primary education (1st to 5th standard) 56 (18.70)
Father—upper primary education & above (6th standard and above) 102 (34.00)
Mother—homemaker 60 (20.55)
Mother—housemaid or daily wage labour 194 (66.44)
Mother—service, business or other occupation 38 (13.01)
Father—daily wage labour 212 (80.30)
Father—service, business or other occupation 52 (19.70)
Household facilities, n (%)
Ownership of house 167 (56.23)
Presence of separate kitchen 151 (50.84)
Access to improved non‐solid cooking fuel 279 (93.94)
Presence of electricity 296 (99.66)
Access to improved source of drinking water 281 (94.61)
Access to improved toilet facility 277 (93.27)

Note: Values are n (%) or mean ± SD.

Abbreviations: BAZ, body mass index for age z score; HAZ, height for age z score; INR, Indian Rupee; SD, standard deviation; USD, United States Dollar.