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. 2020 Dec 21;16(Suppl 3):e13065. doi: 10.1111/mcn.13065


Risk of inadequate and excess intake of iron, folate and vitamin B12 before and after inclusion of fortified staple foods and IFA supplements

Source of intake Iron Dietary folate equivalent Vitamin B12 a
Risk of inadequate intake Risk of excess intake Risk of inadequate intake Risk of excess intake Risk of inadequate intake
Habitual diet 82 0 96 0 93
Habitual diet + DFS 13 1 96 0 93
Habitual diet + FR‐mFL 11 1 91 0 92
Habitual diet + FR‐MFL 3 2 81 0 91
Habitual diet + IFA 7 0 62 0 93
Habitual diet + DFS + FR‐mFL 1 6 91 0 92
Habitual diet + DFS + FR‐MFL 0 16 81 0 91
Habitual diet + DFS + IFA 0 4 62 0 93
Habitual diet + FR‐mFL + IFA 0 2 37 0 92
Habitual diet + FR‐MFL + IFA 0 8 25 0 91
Habitual diet + DFS + FR‐mFL + IFA 0 22 37 0 92
Habitual diet + DFS + FR‐MFL + IFA 0 40 25 0 91

Note: Values are percentages.

Abbreviations: DFS, double fortified salt, that is, iodized salt fortified with iron at 1 mg g−1; FR, rice fortified with iron, folic acid and vitamin B12; mFL, minimum fortification level (iron—28 mg kg−1; folic acid—75 μg kg−1; vitamin B12—0.75 μg kg−1); MFL, maximum fortification level (iron—42.5 mg kg−1; folic acid—125 μg kg−1; vitamin B12—1.25 μg kg−1); Source: FSSAI, 2018

IFA, iron folic acid supplements (6‐ to 9‐year‐old children, 6.4‐mg iron and 57.1‐μg folic acid per day; 10‐ to 19‐year‐old adolescents, 8.6‐mg iron and 71.4‐μg folic acid per day); Source: MoHFW‐GoI, 2018.


Risk of excess intake is not determinable as there is no established tolerable upper limit for vitamin B12.