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. 2020 Nov 4;9:e58516. doi: 10.7554/eLife.58516

Figure 7. Contributions of the parasol and midget cell classes.

Figure 7.

(A) Example image and reconstructions for parasol and midget cells. Top left: original image. Top right: reconstruction with parasol and midget cells (gray). Bottom left: reconstruction with only parasol cells (blue). Bottom right: reconstruction with only midget cells (orange). (B) Cell type mosaics shaded by their response values, for ON (top) and OFF (bottom) parasol cells (left, blue) and midget cells (right, orange). (C) Reconstruction performance for midget vs. parasol (top), both vs. parasol (middle), and both vs. midget (bottom). (D) Power in the reconstructed images as a fraction of power in the original image (left) and receptive fields (right) for parasol cells (blue), midget cells (orange), and both types (gray) for each of three recordings. (E) Left: Fraction of peak reconstruction performance with increasing spike integration times for parasol (blue) and midget (orange) cells, with averages across recordings shown in bold. Dotted line indicates 95% performance. Right: Time to 95% performance for parasol and midget reconstructions across seven recordings. Source files for C, D, and E are available in Figure 7—source data 1.

Figure 7—source data 1. Contributions of the parasol and midget cell classes.
This zip file contains the code and data for Figure 7C, D and E, which compare the reconstructions from parasol and midget cell responses. This data includes the performance scores for reconstructions from parasol and midget cell responses, as well as the power spectra of the resulting images, and the time required to reach 95% reconstruction performance.