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. 2020 Sep 22;47(1):80–85. doi: 10.1097/DSS.0000000000002795


Allergan Chin Retrusion Scale Results at Month 6 (Modified Intent-to-Treat Population)

Treatment (N = 144) Control (N = 48)
Month 6
 Total participants, n* 126 40
 Responder, n (%) 71 (56.3) 11 (27.5)
 Nonresponder, n (%) 55 (43.7) 29 (72.5)
 95% CI (%) (47.23–65.16) (14.60–43.89)
Versus control
 Responder rate difference, % 28.85
 95% CI (%) 11.16–45.60
p-value§ 0.0019

For the untreated control group, data before receiving initial treatment at Month 6 are included.


Participants with analysis values at baseline and the specified visit.

95% CI is based on the exact binomial distribution.

95% exact CI for the responder rate difference is presented.


p-value is based on 2-sided Fisher's exact test comparing the responder rate between treated and untreated control.