Table 2.
Cytogenetics, cytogenomics, and molecular techniques used to study ring chromosome 20 [r(20)].
Method | Advantages/aim | Limitations | References |
Karyotype on peripheral blood (Figures 1b–d) | r(20) identification Analysis extended up to 200 metaphases to detect low-level mosaicism | Unrecorded: - chromosomal aberration <10 Mb - low mosaicism level - tissue-specific mosaicism |
Atkins et al. (4) (first description) |
Karyotype on skin fibroblasts or other tissues | r(20) identification and/or confirmation of ring 20 syndrome in case of undetected ring 20 on peripheral blood Multi-tissue estimation of mosaicism. Analysis extended up to 200 metaphases to detect low-level mosaicism | Faed et al. (5) (first report); Back et al. (25), Zou et al. (26), Giardino et al. (12), Cappanera et al. (27), Elens et al. (22) | |
Prenatal karyotype analysis (chorionic villi, amniotic fluid) | Precocious diagnosis of ring chromosome 20 syndrome, with consequent genetic counseling and follow up | Giardino et al. (12), Cignini et al. (28) | |
FISH with pantelomeric probe (Figure 1h) | Assess if common telomeric sequences are present/absent. | Lack of signal on the ring does not determine deletion extent. | Zou et al. (26), Elghezal et al. (29), Giardino et al. (12), Unterberger et al. (30), Tayama et al. (31) |
FISH with 20p-20q subtelomeric probes (Figures 1i,l) | Assess if a subtelomeric deletion is present/absent | Idem; de Falco et al. (23), Herrgård et al. (32), Cappanera et al. (27), Gahr et al. (33), Inal et al. (34) | |
FISH with probe specific for chromosome 20 centromeric sequences (Figures 1f,g) | Identification of chromosome origin of the RC Evaluation of alphoid-specific heteromorphism of r(20) and its linear homolog Detection of low chromosome 20 mosaicism for a monosomic cell line | Deletion/duplication cannot be detected | Giardino et al. (12), Kamoun et al. (35) |
FISH with whole chromosome 20 painting probe | Detection of other chromosome regions on r(20) (low resolution) | Deletion/duplication cannot be detected | Elghezal et al. (29), Zou et al. (26), Cabras et al. (24), Tezer et al. (36) |
BAC FISH on CHRNA4 and KCNQ2 candidate genes (Figures 1m–p) | Detection of deletions of candidate genes. (resolution higher than karyotype) | Limited to the targeted sequence(s). Resolution lower than CMA microarray | Zou et al. (26), Elghezal et al. (29), Giardino et al. (12); Cappanera et al. (27), Kamoun et al. (35) |
Segregation analysis of polymorphic loci | Exclusion of whole or segmental UPD20 | Tissue specific UPD and low-level mosaicism cannot be detected | Giardino et al. (12) |
Chromosomal microarray | |||
Array-CGH (Resolution from 30 to 0.6 Mb) | Identification of CNVs on chromosome 20 and in the whole genome | Tissue specific and low-level mosaicism cannot be detected | Giardino et al. (12); Cabras et al. (24), Rodan al. (37), Corrêa et al. (38) |
SNP-array (Resolution from 4.2 to 8.2 kb) | Identification of CNVs, UPD, and homozygosity regions on chromosome 20 and in the whole genome | Conlin et al. (10), Unterberger et al. (30) | |
Array-based genome-wide methylation analysis array (Human Methylation450 BeadChip kit, Illumina) | Evaluation of the methylation level of CpGs in the whole genome in r(20) patients compared to normal controls | Tissue-specific and low-level epimutation mosaicism cannot be detected | Calzari L. [patients from Giardino et al. (12)]; present data (Figures 1q,r) |