Table 1.
Laboratory | Value | Reference range |
Hb | 12.6 | 12.0‐16.0 g/dl |
WBC | 14.5 | 4.8‐10.8 K/ul |
Plt | 471 | 150‐400 k/ul |
INR | 1 | 0.9‐1.2 |
PT | 11.7 | 9.9‐13.2sec |
aPTT | 46.1 | 24.5‐32.3 sec |
COVID‐19 PCR | Negative | Negative |
COVID‐19 IgG | Positive | Negative |
ESR | 70 | 0‐20 mm/hr |
CRP | 18.74 | 0.00‐0.40 mg/dl |
Lupus screen | Positive | Negative |
Protein S activity | 66 | 60%‐140% |
Protein C Functional assay | 109 | 75.2%‐159.8% |
Factor V assay | 95 | 50%‐150% |
Antithrombin | 99 | 76.8%‐117.5% |
Sodium | 136 | 135‐149 MMOL/L |
Potassium | 4.1 | 3.4‐4.8 MMOL/L |
Chloride | 95 | 93‐105 MMOL/L |
Bicarbonate | 25 | 23‐32 MMOL/L |
Creatinine | 1.1 | 0.3‐1.1 mg/dL |
BUN | 11 | 7‐21 mg/dL |
Calcium | 9.1 | 8.2‐10.1 mg/dL |
Anion Gap | 16 | 4‐14 |
LDH | 408 | 108‐199 IU/L |
Results of the laboratory tests carried out at admission.
Abbreviations: aPTT, Activated partial thromboplastin time; BUN, Blood urea nitrogen; CRP, C‐reactive protein; ESR, Erythrocyte sedimentation rate; Hb, Hemoglobin; LDH, Lactate dehydrogenase; PCR, Polymerase chain reaction; Plt, Platelet count; PT, Prothrombin time; WBC, White blood cell count.