Working in isolation |
Potential slip, trip, fall injury when no one may be able to assist.
Negative effect of pre‐existing medical conditions of students
Provide initial safety information prior to activity
Be accompanied by an adult or advise them of your whereabouts
Be familiar with surroundings
Working in sun and heat |
Heat exhaustion
Be accompanied by an adult or advise them of your whereabouts
Limit amount of time to conduct identification activity
Wear sun protection
Carry water and mobile phone
Working in bad weather |
Get caught in rain and/or thunderstorm |
Be accompanied by an adult or advise them of your whereabouts
Be familiar with forecasted weather
Be familiar with potential shelters
Postpone activities if weather is too severe
Potential car accident |
Potential car accident injuries |
Be accompanied by an adult or advise them of your whereabouts
Carefully access the area and follow road rules
Stop, look and listen for traffic
Select alternative route
Potential snake, spider or insect bites |
Could be bitten by snakes, spiders or other insects |
Be accompanied by an adult or advise them of your whereabouts
Be aware of exposure and presence of bite hazards
Inspect area before performing activity
Look before putting hands into vegetation
Current COVID‐19 situation |
Be exposed to or contract virus |
Online cyber safety |
Cyber stalking risks with students entering information about plants in their area |