Regulation of ACE2 expression and immune signature human MSCs derived from distinct tissues. A, Expression of ACE2 in MSCs generated from distinct tissues. (p:Kruskal‐Wallis P‐value test); B, Circos plot of genes whose expression are correlated to ACE2 expression in human MSCs (dataset GSE108511) and identified by text mining to an immunological function (Pubmed Results). C, Heatmap expression of ACE2 signature associated with an immunity gene in human MSCs; D, Boxplot of ACE2 expression in embryonic stem cell‐derived MSCs compared with undifferentiated embryonic stem cells (GSE2248, p:Kruskal‐Wallis P‐value test). E, Real‐time reverse transcription‐PCR mRNA analysis of iPSCs (PB33) and MSC‐derived from the same iPSCs (passage 6). AD, adipose tissue; BM, bone marrow; CB, cord blood; PL, placenta