There were no significant increases in serum iNOS levels, inos and ido mRNA expression, and percentages of Treg cells in relapsing MS patients after MPPT. A, Serum iNOS activity from HCs (n = 15) and MS patients (n = 11) before and after methylprednisolone impulse treatment (HCs vs MS patients before treatment, P = 0.0238; MS patients before treatment vs MS patients after treatment, P = 0.1778). B, Levels of inos mRNA were measured by qPCR (HCs vs MS patients before treatment, P = 0.0479; MS patients before treatment vs MS patients after treatment, P = 0.5920, n = 5). C, Levels of ido mRNA were measured by qPCR (HCs vs MS patients before treatment, P = 0.3485; MS patients before treatment vs MS patients after treatment, P = 0.0006, n = 5). D, Staining profiles of CD4+ T cells (CD4+) and Treg cells (CD4+CD25+CD127−Foxp3+) from a representative MS patient before and after methylprednisolone impulse treatment. E, Percentages of Treg cells in CD4+ T cells of MS patients’ PBMC (n = 5) before and after treatment (P = 0.3352)