Safety is defined as “Very Unsafe” (it is unpredictable, unreliable, requires constant monitoring, and carries an excessively high risk of hyper- or hypoglycemia or equipment failure), “Unsafe” (it is at times unpredictable and/or unreliable despite frequent monitoring and carries a high risk of hyper- or hypoglycemia or equipment failure), “Moderately Safe” (the system is mostly predictable and reliable, but still carries a risk of fairly frequent hyper- or hypoglycemic episodes, and/or a relatively high risk of equipment failure), “Safe” (the system is almost always predictable and reliable, occasional hyper- and hypoglycemic episodes may occur despite frequent monitoring, but the risk of equipment failure is low), and “Very Safe” (I trust the system to always act predictably and to maintain a safe glucose level, even with only occasional monitoring, with no exceptions, and a minimal chance of equipment failure).
White dotted bar = “I don’t know”; light gray bar = “Very Unsafe”; vertical line pattern bar = “Unsafe”; angled line pattern bar = “Moderately Safe”; dark gray bar = “Safe”; Black bar = “Very Safe.”
CGM, continuous glucose monitoring; DIYAPS, do-it-yourself artificial pancreas system.