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. 2020 Dec 22;4(Suppl 1):S27–S31. doi: 10.1093/tas/txaa091

Table 2.

Least squares means for the main effect of season on lamb carcass characteristics in the Intermountain West over 1 yr1

Carcass trait2 n Summer Spring SEM4 P-value
HCW, kg 8,979 37.3b 40.39a 1.47 0.05
12th rib fat depth, mm 8,977 7.10b 7.97a 0.36 0.03
Body-wall thickness, mm 8,964 28.32 29.23 1.24 0.51
LMA, cm2 8,978 15.65b 16.62a 0.40 0.04
%BCTRC3 8,961 44.20 43.99 0.32 0.56

1Seasons are classified as summer = May–August, spring = December–April.

2Longissimus muscle area (LMA), 12th rib fat, and body-wall thickness were measured between the 12th and 13th ribs of both sides and averaged for analysis.

3Calculated %BCTRC, calculated percentage of boneless, closely trimmed retail cuts.

4The largest of the SE of the means are shown.

a,bmeans in the same row that do not share a common superscript letter differ (P < 0.05).