Figure S2.
Stimulated Place Cell Activation Was within Physiological Range, Stable across Trials, and Consisted of a Mixture of Deep/Intermediate/Superficial CA1 Pyramidal Neurons, Related to Figure 1
(A) Place field magnitude against response magnitude for all responsive targeted place cells. (B) Average place field peak magnitude and response window magnitude for all responsive targeted place cells. On average our neurons’ natural place fields exhibited a larger response than that driven by our stimulation, p = 5.88 × 10−16, two-sided rank-sum test. (C) Average place field peak magnitude and stimulation response magnitude for all responsive place cells averaged within each session. Our population average natural place field magnitude was larger than that driven by our stimulation, p = 3.31 × 10−5, two-sided rank-sum test, n = 21 sessions. (D) The slope of a linear fit to the response magnitude of the population of responsive neurons across trials from each session. These slopes did not differ from zero in either place cell stimulation group, and there was no difference in slope between Start-PC and Reward-PC sessions. (E) Example imaging FOV taken from one mouse. (F) Four example slices through the z stack taken from the same area of that mouse, dashed white line indicates the selected imaging plane. (G) Color maps depicting the deep/superficial location of neurons across the imaging FOV taken from 3 separate mice, gray indicates no neurons were present in that area.