Figure 1.
Model of characteristic and core microbiota associated with peri-implantitis. The Venn diagrams attempt a summative qualitative illustration of the characteristic taxa from the microbiota of healthy peri-implant, peri-implantitis, and periodontitis sites. Only taxa identified as significantly more abundant in each condition are represented, as reported in each individual study. (A) The microbiota from healthy implants and peri-implantitis are illustrated based on Kumar et al. (2012), Tsigarida et al. (2015), Zheng et al. (2015), Sanz-Martin et al. (2017), and Yu et al. (2019). (B) The microbiota from periodontitis and peri-implantitis sites are illustrated based on Kumar et al. (2012), Dabdoub et al. (2013), Maruyama et al. (2014), and Yu et al. (2019). Bacterial taxa are reported at the genus level or lower. The increase in font size depicts the frequency of identification among publications. Of note, criteria of taxonomic identification and statistical significance may vary among studies.