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. 2020 Jun 23;1(8):845–854. doi: 10.34067/KID.0001202019

Table 1.

Demographic, epidemiologic, and clinical datasets used to study the association between residential context and kidney health

Datasets Sample Size Years Locations Age at Baseline, yr Spatial Unita Kidney Measures
Urine Protein-Creatinine Ratio, Urine Albumin-Creatinine Ratiob Serum Creatinine Serum Cystatin C Chronic Kidney Disease Mortality End Stage Kidney Disease Apolipoprotein L1
Demographic studies and datasets
Americans’ Changing Lives 3617 1986–2019 US 25–84 Tract IP IP X X IP
Health and Retirement Study 25,444 1992–2019c US 51–61 Tract X X X X
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, Wave III 33,994 1988–1994 US 0–90 Addressd X X X X
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, Continuous Approximately 5000/yr 1999–2020c US 0–90 Addressd X X X X
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescents 12,105 1994–2018 US 14–18 Block X IP IP IP
National Vital Statistics System, Mortality Data All US 1968–2017c US All US County X
Epidemiologic studies and databases
Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities 15,792 1987–2019 Multiple US 45–64 Tract X X P X X
Coronary Risk Development in Young Adults 5115 1985–2016 Multiple US 18–30 Block X X X P P X
Dallas Heart Study 3500 2000–2009 Dallas, TX 30–65 Block X X X P P X
Jackson Heart Study 6500 2000–2012 Jackson, MS 35–94 Tract X X X X X X
Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis 6814 2000–2018 Multiple US 45–84 Tract X X X X X X
Reasons for Geographic Differences in Stroke 28,878 (4) 2003–2016 Multiple US 45–98 Block X X X X X X
US Veterans Administration Database All VA 1977–c US All VA County X X X X X X
Clinical studies and databases
Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort 5499 2003–2018 Multiple US 21–74 Tract X X X X X X
Clinical Phenotyping Resource and Biobank Core 1645 2009–2019 Multiple US 30–64e Tract X X X X
Cure Glomerulonephropathy 2400 2014–2020 Multiple US IP Tract X X X X X
Nephrotic Syndrome Study Network 2561 2010–2019 Multiple US 0–80 Tract X X X X X
US Renal Data System All ESKD 1978–c US All ESKD Zip code X X

Clinical measures are not necessarily available for all waves of data. The years available include a range of temporal data collection efforts. For example, some studies collect information every 2 years, whereas others collect data every 6 years. US, United States; IP, data collection in progress; P, data possibly available; VA, US Department of Veterans Affairs.


Represents the most spatially granular unit available.


Information generally available on either urine albumin-creatinine ratio or urine protein-creatinine ratio.


Represents ongoing data collection efforts into the indefinite future.


Geospatial data are available to researchers through Census Research Data Centers.


Interquartile range available only.