(A) Genotyping arrays consist of probes for a fixed set of variants chosen during the design of the array product. (B) For each array product, we extracted the genomic position of variants found on the array and kept variants that are also found within the 1KGP to highlight their geographic distributions. The arrays considered are the Affymetrix 6.0 (Affy6) genotyping array, the Affymetrix Human Origins array (HumanOrigins), the Illumina HumanOmniExpress (OmniExpress) array, the Illumina Omni2.5Exome, and the Illumina MEGA array. This plot is analogous to Figure 3B but rather than calculating frequencies with the five regional groupings, we compute them within each of the 26 1KGP populations. The total number of variants represented is the same as in Figure 3B (S = 91,784,367). See Figure 2 for an explanation of the ‘u’,’R’,’C’ codes.