Category 0
NO history of COVID-19-suspected illness
Category 1
MILD COVID-19-suspected illness
Category 2
MODERATE COVID-19-suspected illness
Category 3
SEVERE COVID-19-suspected illness
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Divers who have no history of COVID-19 suspected illness should proceed with normal evaluations. Additionally, we would use these criteria in those who may have had a positive screening PCR or antibody test, but without any history of illness or symptoms consistent with COVID-19. |
• Did not seek health care or received outpatient treatment only without evidence of hypoxaemia. |
• Required supplemental oxygen or was hypoxic. |
• Required mechanical (intubation) or assisted ventilation (BIPAP, CPAP) or ICU level of care. |
• Did not require supplemental oxygen. |
• Had abnormal chest imaging (chest radiograph or CT scan). |
• Cardiac involvement defined as abnormal ECG or echocardiogram, or elevated cardiac biomarkers e.g., troponin or CK-MB and BNP (or absence of documented work up). |
• Imaging was normal or not required. |
• Admitted to the hospital but did NOT require mechanical (intubation) or assisted ventilation (BIPAP, CPAP) or ICU level of care. |
• Thromboembolic complications (such as pulmonary embolism, DVT, or other coagulopathy). |
• If admitted, had documentation of a normal cardiac work up including normal ECG and cardiac biomarkers e.g., troponin or CK-MB and BNP. |
• Thromboembolic complications (such as pulmonary embolism, DVT, or other coagulopathy). |