(A) Representative traction stress map of the periphery of unconfined hESC colonies prior to BMP4 stimulation. Rectangle on colony cartoon indicates measured region.
(B) Brightfield and T-mNeonGreen images 48 h after BMP4 in the same field of view where traction stresses were measured in (A).
(C) Representative brightfield images and corresponding traction stress maps measured for geometrically-confined hESC colonies on compliant gels before BMP4.
(D) Representative brightfield and time-lapse images of T-mNeonGreen expression for triangle hESC colonies on compliant gels following BMP4 addition.
(E) Map of average traction stresses measured for triangle hESC colonies before BMP4. n = 19 (3, 10, 6) colonies.
(F) Normalized average intensity map of T-mNeonGreen expression within triangle hESC colonies at 30 h BMP4. n = 12 (3, 1, 7, 1) colonies.
All scale bars = 250 μm. Pa = Pascals. a.u. = arbitrary units.
See also Figures S3–S4, Video S5.