a, Chemical and cartoon representations of the synthetic Lipid II analog18 and native S. aureus Lipid II that were used to prepare peptidoglycan polymers in panels b-d. b, Radiolabeled peptidoglycan polymers were incubated with the SagB-SpdC complex, SagB alone, SagA, or SagB lacking its transmembrane helix. The signal towards the top of the autoradiograph in lanes 3–5 corresponds to short, lipid-free peptidoglycan fragments, but the distribution of lengths differs (Supplementary Figure 5). SagB-SpdC also produces a short ladder of radiolabeled peptidoglycan fragments (see also Supplementary Figure 4). c, Left: schematic of assay to determine whether SagB-SpdC product bands contained a lipid-anchor. Right: Radiolabeled SagB-SpdC products were incubated with unlabeled Lipid II and PBP2 and were extended to longer products. d, The bacteriocin Colicin M (ColM) de-lipidates Lipid II and peptidoglycan oligomers, but leaves the anomeric diphosphate (Supplementary Figures 6 and 7)23,24. Incubation of SagB-SpdC products (lane 3) with ColM (lane 4) resulted in the complete disappearance of fastmigrating bands and the appearance of slower-migrating products. Product characterization by LC-MS confirmed the indicated structure (Supplementary Figure 8). The faster migration of the SagB-SpdC products containing a lipid may be due to SDS binding to the lipid and increasing the net negative charge of these species. Experiments were performed at least three times in biological replicates.