Figure 2.
Innate Immune Profiles Reveal Elevated Populations in SPE and Gamma Irradiation that Are Selectively Suppressed in Combination with HU, No Difference in Population with GCR Irradiation ± HU
(A–D) (A) Representative flow plots are displayed for percentage CD45+CD11b− cells (bottom left box), monocytes (bottom right box), neutrophils (top right box), and eosinophils (between right boxes). Percentage (%) of monocytes (Ly6g−CD11b+/CD45+) (B), neutrophils (Ly6ghighCD11b+/CD45+) (C), and eosinophils (Ly6glowCD11b+/CD45+) (D), are displayed within each exposure group. Bar graph data represent means ± SEM (p < 0.05, n = 8–10 per group). Statistical tests and labels are the same as Figure 1.