Figure 9.
a) Species associated spectra (SAS) of 5 a‐GNP with Fc‐1*ZnP‐GNP (SAS1 in black), Fc.+‐ZnP.−‐GNP (SAS2 in blue), Fc‐ZnP.+‐GNP.− (SAS3 in red), and 3*ZnP/ Fc.+‐ZnP‐GNP.− (SAS4 in green), deconvoluted using the global‐target analysis of the transient absorption data recorded at an excitation wavelength of 460 nm in THF under ambient conditions. b) Population dynamics of the SAS1 ( =3.0 ps; CS1=1.8×1011 s−1 and CS2=9.88×1010 s−1 ), SAS2 ( =15.5 ps; CR2=4.5×1010 s−1 and CSh1=1.93×1010 s−1), SAS3 ( =450 ps; CR3=5.55×108 s−1), and SAS4 ( >10.0 ns), along with the residuals of the fits. c) Species associated spectra (SAS) of 5 c‐GNP with Fc‐1*ZnP‐GNP (SAS1 in black), Fc.+‐ZnP.−‐GNP (SAS2 in blue), Fc‐ZnP.+‐GNP.− (SAS3 in red), and 3*ZnP (SAS4 in magenta), deconvoluted using the global‐target analysis of the transient absorption data recorded at an excitation wavelength of 460 nm in THF under ambient conditions. d) Population dynamics of the SAS1 ( =11.0 ps; CS1=1.6×1010 s−1 and CS2=7.20×1010 s−1), SAS2 ( =200 ps; CR2=5.0×109 s−1 ), SAS3 ( =1.20 ns; CR3=3.87×108 s−1, CR3 into the SAS4=4.50×108 s−1), and SAS4 ( >10.0 ns), along with the residuals of the fits.