Figure 5.
KRT7 expression affects the integrin-β1-FAK signaling and TGF-β signaling pathways. (A and B) Expression of proliferation- and migration-associated genes (PCNA, MMP9 and TIMP-1) were evaluated using western blotting in HEY cells. (C and D) Western blotting of proteins involved in integrin-β1-FAK signaling pathway in the KRT7-overexpressing HEY cells. (E) Expression of MMPs after knockdown of KRT7 in OVCAR433 cells. (F and G) Expression of the TGF-β signaling pathway-related proteins was evaluated by western blotting in KRT7-overexpressing HEY cells and KRT7-knockdown OVCAR433 cells. All experiments were performed at least three times. Results are presented as the mean ± standard deviation. **P<0.01. FAK, focal adhesion kinase; PCNA, proliferating cell nuclear antigen; FN, fibronectin; TIMP-1, TIMP metallopeptidase inhibitor 1; p-, phosphorylated; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase; KRT7, keratin 7; sh, short hairpin RNA; NC, negative control.