Figure 6.
Example of Gating Strategy for the Characterization of Th Subsets in Memory CD4+ T Cells
Representative example of analyses in a cryopreserved PBMC sample. Memory CD4+ T cells are first selected by excluding naive cells (CCR7+ CD45RA+ CD4+ T cells). Inside memory CD4+ T cells, SLeX+ were selected from Stain 1, using the antibody cocktail described on Table 3. CLA+ cells (black gate), CLAhi (teal gate), and CLAlow (orange gate) were selected from Stain 2, using the antibody cocktail described in Table 4. cTfh cells are identified using PD-1 and CXCR5. CD127low CD25+ cells were selected within non-cTfh cells, and Foxp3+ cells were then selected to identify Tregs. Non-cTfh/Tregs cells were selected based on CXCR5 and CCR6 expression. Th1 and Th2 cells were identified within the CXCR5- CCR6- gate, while Th17 and Th17+1 were characterized ins the CXCR5- CCR6+ gate using CXCR3. The frequency of CXCR3+ Tfh can also be measured with this panel.