Figure 4.
S. mansoni egg-induced expression of proliferation markers. (a,b) Increased enterocyte proliferation, denoted by Cyclin D1-immunostaining adjacent [red arrowheads in (b)] to the eggs (*) was distinct from physiological proliferation of enterocytes in basal crypts [black arrowheads in (a)]. Representative cross sections of colon mucosa from hamsters are shown.(a) single sex-infected control, (b) bisex-infected. Magnification 200×, bar 2200 µm and 1000×, bar 20 µm. (c) Western blot analysis and subsequent semi-quantitative assessment of optical density suggested an enhanced expression of Cyclin D1 and Mcm2 in the colon of S. mansoni bisex-infected hamsters in comparison to single sex-infected controls. Representative blots are shown, control n = 4, bisex infection n = 11. Differences were analyzed statistically between control and bisex-infected for Cyclin D1/Gapdh and Mcm2/Gapdh. *p ≤ 0.05. (d) The expression of Cyclin D1 was induced by SEA and could be inhibited by additional treatment with the JNK-inhibitor SP600125 (upper blots) and the MEK-inhibitor U0126 (lower blots) in SW620 cells. The cells were pretreated with inhibitors for 30 min and subsequently during stimulation for 4 h. (e) The expression of Cyclin D1 was also induced by nIPSE. (f) SEA-stimulated Cyclin D1 expression was reduced by tankyrase inhibition, using XAV939, in SW620 cells. IPSE-induced Cyclin D1 expression, however, was not reduced by tankyrase inhibition. The cells were pretreated with XAV939 for 15 h and subsequently during stimulation for 4 h. The experiment and assay was reproduced at least two times. Representative western blots are shown.