Table 2.
Assay characteristics of the surrogate virus neutralization test (sVNT) for SARS-CoV-2 PRNT-50 positives and PRNT-90 positives.
sVNT vs PRNT-50 | sVNT vs PRNT-90 | |
Sensitivity | 89.8% (141/157; 84.0%–94.1%) |
99.0%⁎⁎ (97/98; 94.5%–100%, P< 0.0001) |
False negative rate | 10.2% (16/157; 5.94%–16.0%) |
1.02%⁎⁎ (1/98; 0.02%–5.56%; P< 0.0001) |
Non-neutralizing antibody detection ratea | 32.4% (12/37; 18.0%–49.8%) |
58.3%* (56/96; 47.8%–68.3%, P= 0.0014) |
Specificity | 100% (47/47; 92.5%–100%) |
100% (47/47; 92.5%–100%) |
Sensitivity: percentage of SARS-CoV-2 PRNT positive samples from COVID-19 patients that also tested positive by sVNT. False negative rate: percentage of SARS-CoV-2 PRNT positive samples from COVID-19 patients, which tested negative by sVNT.
Non-neutralizing antibody detection rate: percentage of SARS-CoV-2 PRNT negative samples from COVID-19 patients, which tested positive by sVNT. Specificity: percentage of SARS-CoV-2 PRNT negative samples from healthy individuals that also tested negative by sVNT. Pearson's Chi-square tests were conducted to analyze the difference in sensitivity of the sVNT for PRNT-50+ and PRNT-90+ COVID-19 specimens. Number of specimens of total subset and 95% confidence intervals are indicated in parentheses.
P < 0.05.
P < 0.0001.