Decreased 3- to 6-Hz Power Increases Propensity to Move but Also Allows Movement Suppression
Top: cartoons illustrating the trial types being compared.
(A) Comparison of False Alarm (wheel turns during zero-contrast trials, which do not earn a reward) versus Correct Reject trials (where a reward is earned by refraining from turning). Example maps showing 3- to 6-Hz power difference; blue indicates higher power in Correct Reject trials.
(B) Summary of 3- to 6-Hz power difference during the quiescent period across experiments.
(C) Percent False Alarm as a function of 3- to 6-Hz power in visual (blue) and somatosensory (orange) cortex.
(D and E) Same analysis for comparison of Correct Reject versus Miss trials.
∗∗∗p < 0.001.