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. 2020 Dec 23;3(12):e2033232. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.33232

Table 1. Summary of Included Studies Evaluating the Air Contamination With SARS-CoV-2 in the Hospital Environment.

Source Setting Clinical context Location Air ventilation Distance from patients, m Duration (air volume per sample, L) Microbiology SARS-CoV-2 Positivity, No./total No. (%)
Viral load, RNA copies/m3 Viral culture, No./total No. (%)
ICU patient environments
Liu et al,9 2020 ICU Severe IR Negative pressure ND 5 h-7 d (1500-50 400 ) ddPCR 31 113 NA 2/3 (66)
Faridi et al,8 2020 ICU Severe Multiple-bed room Mechanical or natural 2-5 60 min (90) RT-PCR; Ct, 38 NA NA 0/9
Guo et al,11 2020 ICU Severe IRs, bay room 12 Air supplies; 16 air discharges/h ND 30 min (300) RT-qPCR Mean: 3.8 near air outlet; 1.4 near patients NA 13/32 (41); Ct, 35.7 and 44.4
Lei et al,22 2020 ICU Critical Multiple-bed room ND 1 4 h (1260) RT-qPCR NA NA 0/1; Ct, 41.5
Li et al,10 2020 ICU Severe Multiple-bed room; 3 beds 12 Air supplies; 16 air discharges/h 1-5 5 h (21 600) RT-PCR; Ct, <37 and >40 NA NA 0/9
Zhou et al,19 2020 ICU ND ND Natural ventilation 1-5 40 min (600-16 000) RT-qPCR; Ct, 39.5 NP NA 0/5
Razzini et al,23 2020 ICU 2 Patients intubated, 1 patient not intubated Multiple-bed room Negative pressure ND 40 min (2000) RT-PCR Mean, 22.7 NA 12/12 (100)
Ding et al,18 2020 ICU Mild IRs Negative pressure 0.5 20-30 min (300-10 000) RT-PCR NA NA 0/26
Ahn et al,27 2020 ICU 3 Patients intubated IRs Negative pressure and 12 air changes/h 1 20 min (250) rRT-PCR; Ct, <35; viral culture NA NP 0/3
Kenarhoohi et al,28 2020 ICU 6 Critical Multiple beds; 10 patients Natural ≥2 180 min (2160) RT-PCR; Ct, <40 NA NA 0/6
Jin et al,29 2020 ICU 1 Critical IR Negative pressure 0.5 15 min (6000) qRT-PCR; Ct, <40 NA NA 1/1 (100)
Tan et al,25 2020 ICU 9 Severe or critical Single room Natural ventilation 1 60 min (300) RT-PCR NA NA 1/10 (10)
Non-ICU patient environments
Liu et al,9 2020 GW Severe 4 Single and 1 multiple-bed room; 2 beds Negative pressure ND 5 h (1500) ddPCR 0 NA 0/2
Faridi et al,8 2020 GW Severe Multiple-bed room; 2-9 beds Mechanical or natural 2-5 60 min (90) RT-PCR; Ct, 38 NA NA 0/1
Ong et al,3 2020 GW Moderate or mild IRs 12 Air exchanges/h <1 and 2-5 4 h (3600) RT-PCR; Ct, 45 ND NA 0/18
Santarpia et al,12 2020 IW Mild IRs Negative pressure Bedside table or desk 15 min (750) RT-PCR; Ct, 45; viral culture NA 0/10 0/18
Guo et al,11 2020 GW Mild Single bay room 8 Air supplies and 12 air discharges/h Near patients, near air outlet 30 min (300) RT-qPCR 0.68 near air outlet NA 2/16 (12.5)
Chia et al,16 2020 GW Mild or asymptomatic IRs 12 Air changes/h 1 and 2.1 4 h (840) RT-PCR Mean (range), 1.3 (0.916-2) NA 4/10 (40)
Lei et al,22 2020 IW Critical ND ND 1 4 h (1260) RT-qPCR NA NA 1/1 (100); Ct, 44.6
Cheng et al,14 2020 IW Severe, mild, asymptomatic IRs 12 Air changes/h, shelter 0.1 20 min (1000) RT-PCR 0 NA 0/6
Cheng et al,21 2020 IW ND IRs Negative pressure 0.1 5 min (1000) RT-PCR 0 NA 0/8
Zhou et al,17 2020 IW and GW ND ND ND ND ND (1000) RT-qPCR; Ct, <40.4; viral culture mean (range), 1.17 (0.16-7.04) 0/12 6/12 (50)
Li et al,10 2020 IW Severe Multiple-bed room; 3 beds 8 Air supplies; 12 air discharges/h 1-5 5 h (21 600) RT-PCR; Ct, <37 and >40 NA NA 0/18
Wei et al,15 2020 IW Mild or asymptomatic IRs 12 Air exchanges/h 0.6 15 min (1500) RT-PCR; Ct, <35 NA NA 0/6
Zhou et al,19 2020 GW ND IRs Natural 1-5 40 min (600-16 000) RT-PCR; Ct, <39.5 NA NA 0/16
Santarpia et al,13 2020 ND ND IRs ND ND 30 min (ND) RT-qPCR; viral culture 2.41 TCID50/cm3 of air 3/18 (17) 18/18 (100)
Kim et al,24 2020 IW and GW 7 Mild and 1 asymptomatic IRs; 5-bed room IR with 15 air changes/h; IR without negative pressure; room without negative air pressure 2 20 min (1000) rRT-PCR; Ct, <35 NA NA 0/32
Tan et al,25 2020 IW 15 Mild 3 Patients per room Natural ventilation 1 60 min (300) RT-PCR NA NA 1/2 (50)
Binder et al,26 2020 IW 4 Asymptomatic; 16 mild Single rooms 14 Air exchange/h 1, 1.4, 2.2, and 3.2 240 min (840) RT-PCR; viral culture NA 0/3 3/160 (1.9)
Kenarhoohi et al,28 2020 Laboratory, radiology, internal medicine, emergency 5 Mild and 1 suspected case Multiple rooms, 18-30 patients Natural ≥2 180 min (2160) RT-PCR; Ct, <40 NA NA 0/6
Lednicky et al,30 2020 IW 2 Patients with mild disease IRs 6 Air changes/h 2-4.8 180 min (ND) RT-PCR;
viral culture
Mean (range), 46 (16-94); 2-74 TCID50 U/L of air 4/4 (100) 4/4 (100)
Toilet or bathroom
Liu et al,9 2020 Non-ICU NA Patient mobile toilet room No ventilation NA 20 h (6000) ddPCR 1 NA 1/1 (100)
Ong et al,3 2020 GW NA IRs ND NA 8 h (2400) RT-PCR; Ct, 45 NA NA 0/6
Lei et al,22 2020 IW NA Patient bathroom ND NA 4 h (1680) RT-qPCR NA NA 2/2 (100); Ct, 35.6, 35.5
Zhou et al,17 2020 Cohort ward NA Outside patient bay, in the ward ND NA ND (1000) RT-qPCR; Ct, <40.4; viral culture 0.464 0/2 1/2 (50)
Zhou et al,19 2020 Fever clinic NA In the ward Natural NA 40 (16 000) RT-PCR; Ct, <39.5 NA NA 0/3
Ding et al,18 2020 4 ICU NA Patient bathroom 4 With negative pressure NA 20-30 min (420-10 000) RT-PCR NA NA 1/7 (14)
Clinical areas
Liu et al,9 2020 Non-ICU ND Workstation Natural ND 320-1200 min (1600-6000) ddPCR 0, 1, 1, 5, 9 NA 4/5 (80)
Ong et al,3 2020 ICU and non-ICU ND Corridor, anteroom NA ND 15 min (3000); 480 min (2400) RT-PCR; Ct, 45 NA NA 0/12
Santarpia et al,12 2020 ND Mild Floor adjacent to rooms NA >6 ft 15 min (750) RT-PCR; Ct, 45; viral culture 2.58, 3.76 0/3 2/3 (66)
Guo et al,11 2020 ICU, GW 1 Severe, ND Near office, pharmacy, nurse station, corridor, and buffer room ND ND 30 min (27 000-72 000) RT-qPCR 0.54 NA 1/34 (3)
Wu et al,20 2020 1 ICU Ward and various clinical rooms ND ND ND 30 min (ND) RT-PCR; Ct, 43 NA NA 0/69
Zhou et al,17 2020 ICU and non-ICU ND Nurse station, ward, ambulatory waiting room, Resus bay, CPAP unit ND ND ND (1000) RT-qPCR; Ct, <40.4; viral culture 0.404, 0.035, 1.922, 0.031 0/10 4/10 (40)
Li et al,10 2020 ICU and non-ICU Severe Corridor, clinic, buffer room 1 With negative pressure ND 250 min (21 600) RT-PCR; Ct, <37 and >40 NA NA 0/45
Zhou et al,19 2020 ND ND Corridor and preroom Natural ND 40 min (16 000) RT-PCR; Ct, <39.5 NA NA 0/18
Razzini et al,23 2020 ND ND Corridor ND ND 40 min (16 000) RT-PCR NA NA 8/8 (100); Ct, 31.1
Ding et al,18 2020 IW 3 Mild, ND for others Ward, corridor, nurse station, and storage room 3 Negative pressure, ND for others ND 20-30 (300-10 000) RT-PCR NA NA 1/12 (8); Ct, 37.8
Kim et al,24 2020 IW and GW 7 Mild and 1 asymptomatic 5 Anterooms, regardless of room type ND ND 20 min (1000) RT-PCR; Ct, <35 NA NA 0/20
Kenarhoohi et al,28 2020 ICU entrance NA NA Natural NA 180 min (2160) RT-PCR; Ct, <40 NA NA 0/1
Staff areas
Liu et al,9 2020 ICU NA Changing, meeting, and dining rooms, warehouse Natural and/or mechanical; small air purifier NA 300-1200 min (1500-6000) ddPCR Mean, 13.8 NA 10/13 (77)
Santarpia et al,12 2020 IW NA Personal air sample NA ND NA RT-PCR; Ct, 45 Mean, 20.037 NA 4/4 (100)
Guo et al,11 2020 ICU and GW NA Dressing rooms NA ND 30 min (45 000-108 000) RT-qPCR NA NA 0/36
Santarpia et al,13 2020 ND NA Staff and changing rooms NA ND ND (1000) RT-qPCR; Ct, <40.4; viral culture 0.249 0/4 1/4 (25)
Li et al,10 2020 ICU and IW NA Conference room and clean zone 2/3 With negative pressure ND 270-540 min (21 600-43 200) RT-PCR; Ct, <37 and >40 NA NA 0/45
Zhou et al,19 2020 ND NA Waste storage Natural ND 40 min (16 000) RT-PCR; Ct, <39.5 NA NA 0/2
Razzini et al,23 2020 ND NA Changing and locker rooms NA ND 40 min (8000-14 000) RT-PCR ND NA 0/17
Jin et al,29 2020 ICU NA Changing room Negative pressure Middle 15 min (6000) qRT-PCR; Ct, <40 NA NA 0/1
Public areas
Liu et al,9 2020 NA NA Pharmacy, hall, office, store, and supermarket Mechanical, natural, outdoor NA 300-1000 min (1500-5000) ddPCR 3, 7, 11, 3 NA 4/11 (36)
Santarpia et al,12 2020 NA NA Hallway ND NA ND (ND) RT-PCR; Ct, 45; viral culture 0.979-8.688 0/12 8/12 (67)
Wu et al,20 2020 NA NA Public area ND NA 30 min (ND) RT-PCR; Ct, 43 NA NA 0/6
Zhou et al,17 2020 NA NA Main entrance, toilet entrance, and lift area ND NA ND (1000) RT-qPCR; Ct, <40.4; viral culture 1.574, 1.545 0/3 2/3 (67)
Li et al,10 2020 NA NA Public area ND NA 270 min (21 600) RT-PCR; Ct, <37 and >40 NA NA 0/9
Kenarhoohi et al,28 2020 Hospital entrance NA NA Natural NA 180 min (2160) RT-PCR; Ct, <40 NA NA 0/1

Abbreviations: CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure; Ct, cycle threshold; ddPCR, droplet-digital polymerase chain reaction; GW, general ward; ICU, intensive care unit; IR, isolation room; IW, isolation ward; NA, not applicable; ND, not detailed; NP, not performed; RT-PCR, reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction; RT-qPCR, quantitative reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction; SARS-CoV-2, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.