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. 2020 Dec;10(4):269–275. doi: 10.2991/jegh.k.200417.001

Table 1.

Prevalence rate of included studies

Author and year Al-Mohrej et al. (2016) Al-Shehri et al. (2017) Bin Homaid et al. (2016) Darwish et al. (2013) Alghadir et al. (2017)
Study design Cross-sectional Cross-sectional Cross-sectional Cross-sectional Cross-sectional
Sample size and response rate (%) 224 Participants 515 Participants 143 Participants 280 Participants 600 Participants
91.1 85 84 72 From government school and 100 from private school 84
Occupation Dentist Dentist and dental student Hospital operation room staff: Surgeon, anaesthesiologists, nurses, anaesthesia technicians, OR technicians Government school teacher Physiotherapist
Private school teacher
Gender (%) Male 50.5, female 49.5 Male 53, female 47 Male 74.2, female 25.8 Only female teacher Male 61, Female 39
Age (years) 38 ± SD 10.6 21–above 45 33.9 ± SD 7.6 35.5 ± SD 7.8 30–40
LBP definition Not identified Not identified “Pain, muscle tension, or stiffness localised below the costal margin and above the inferior gluteal folds, with or without leg pain (sciatica)” Not identified “Unpleasant sensation in the lower back region below the scapulae and above the hip region, that may or may not radiate to the thighs and legs and which can be further classified into mild, moderate or severe pain depending on the patient’s ability to perform daily work and non-work activities”
Study method and duration Random cluster sampling over 1 month Stratified random sampling over 4 months period One-month period Not mentioned Not mentioned
Primary outcome Prevalence of MSK* pain over 12 months including LBP Prevalence of MSK* pain over 12 months including LBP Prevalence of LBP Prevalence of MSK* pain over 12 months including LBP Work-related LBP
Secondary outcomes Experience and time the dentist spent per patients Work load and experience None Assess psycho-demographic and psychosocial factors None
Outcomes measure An adapted version of the Standardised Nordic Questionnaire An adapted version of the Standardised Nordic Questionnaire An adapted version of previous work assessing prevalence rate among hospital staff An adapted version of the Standardised Nordic Questionnaire to assess LBP 30 Items Questionnaire, grouped in three domains; demographic, general health and history of LBP before and after practicing physical therapy
Prevalence rate (%) 68.1 64 Overall prevalence rate 74.2: Surgeon 70, anaesthesiologists 82.4, nurses 76.5, aesthesia technicians 83.3, OR technicians 60 63.8 89
Odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for age and gender Age: OR (1.068); CI (1.03–1.11) Age: OR (1.61–0.62); CI (0.18–4.61) Age: OR [≤24 (1), 25–35 (0.5), 35–44 (0.246), ≥45 (0.375)]; IC [25–35 (0.059–4.232), 35–44 (0.055–1.273), ≥45 (0.072–1.957)] Age and gender Not mentioned
Gender: Female (OR 1.60), Male (OR 1); CI (0.88–2.91) Gender: Female (OR 1); Male (OR 1.63); CI (1.02–2.59) Gender: Female (OR 1), Male (OR 2.940); CI (0.937–9.221) No comparable result
Experience (years): OR (1.06); CI (1.03–1.10) Work load: OR (1); CI (0.83–2.81) Experience (years): OR [1–5 (1), 6–10 (0.505), ≥10 (0.649)]; CI [6–10 (0.225–1.867), ≥10 (0.225–1.867)].
Time spent per patient: OR (1.20); CI (1.00–1.44)

MSK*, musculoskeletal.