Fig. 2. Cell wall-, vesicle trafficking-, and membrane-related genes are overrepresented in the oscillation zone and prebranch site and required for its formation.
(A) GO term analysis of the 1785 genes described in Fig. 1F (BP, biological process; CC, cellular component; MF, molecular function). The plot depicts vesicle trafficking-, Golgi-, cell wall-, small GTPase–mediated signal transduction-, and carbohydrate metabolism-related GO terms with P ≤ 0.01 (hypergeometric test using the gProfiler R package; see table S2 for the complete list). (B and C) Expression pattern of nine PME (B) and four PMEI (C) genes in the spatial experiment. (D to F) pCLE44::LUC expression in WT [WS-4, (D)], PME5-overexpressing (E), and PMEI3-overexpressing (F) seedlings after EtOH induction. Scale bar, 0.2 cm. (G) Quantification of prebranch site number [(D) to (F)]. P < 10−14, Wilcoxon rank sum test. (H) LR number of pme2;pme3 compared with Col-0 WT. P = 0.007, Wilcoxon rank sum test.