Relative mRNA and protein expression of AC3 and OMP in human cumulus cells. (A) The relative mRNA levels (mean ± SD) represent expression amount of AC3 and OMP genes, which were normalized to GAPDH. The minimum number of biological replicates for each gene was 10 samples per group, with three technical replicates. (B) The expression of proteins was confirmed by western blot in cumulus cells of GV, MI, MIIUF, and MIIFF oocytes. Protein ratios of AC3 and OMP were normalized to GAPDH. Three biological replicates were run in triplicates and values are expressed as means ± SD. The statistical difference between two different lowercase letters such as “a’’ and “b’’, “a’’ and “c’’, or “b’’ and “c’’ represents P-value ≤ 0.05. AC3: Adenylyl Cyclase type 3, OMP: Olfactory marker protein, GV: Germinal vesicle, MI: Metaphase I, MII: Metaphase II, MIIUF: Metaphase II Unfertilized, MIIF: Metaphase II Fertilized, MIIFF: Metaphase II Final Fertilized.