Table 2.
Interventional plan.
Session 1: 90 minutes Introduction and self-introduction, CBT training, CBT conceptualization, drafting a list of needs and issues related to IBD, inventory of the psychological effects of IBD, and assessment of medical treatment needs Completion of the BFI and IBDQ-32 questionnaires Homework: Daily activity record |
Session 2: 90 minutes Behavioral assessment, behavioral ABCs, behavioral activation, and activity planning Psychoeducation on the psychological manifestations of chronic digestive diseases Homework: Daily activity record and reward planning |
Session 3: 90 minutes Cognitive assessment, cognitive therapy: role of thoughts in experiences with depression and/or anxiety and identification of automatic negative thoughts Monitoring stressful situations and managing stress and negative emotions Psychoeducation on diet Homework: Daily record of automatic dysfunctional thoughts and daily activity record |
Session 4: 90 minutes Social skills development and monitoring dysfunctional negative thoughts Behavioral activation and assertiveness development Cognitive ABCs: doubting dysfunctional negative thoughts Homework: Daily record of automatic dysfunctional thoughts and daily activity record |
Session 5: 90 minutes ABCs of realistic thinking: formulation of alternative thoughts Identifying and debating dysfunctional beliefs Optimization and personal development: assertive communication, time management, stress management, and negative emotions management Psychoeducation on couple/family relationships Homework: Daily record of automatic dysfunctional thoughts and their replacement with alternative, realistic thoughts, and continuing debate of dysfunctional beliefs. |
Session 6: 90 minutes Optimization and personal development: increased frequency of positive social contacts and problem solving Assessment of the extent to which negative schemes have influenced important life experiences Identification of more realistic beliefs and patterns Homework: Continuing to identify and discuss automatic thoughts, dysfunctional beliefs, and negative patterns and to replace them with adaptive thoughts and patterns |
Session 7: 90 minutes Follow-up and prevention of relapses Completion of the IBDQ-32 questionnaire Identification of effective interventions used Plans for possible depressive and/or anxious episodes in the future |
BFI: Big Five Inventory; CBT: cognitive behavioral therapy; IBD: inflammatory bowel disease; IBDQ-32: inflammatory bowel disease questionnaire-32