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. 2020 Dec;21(12):921–939. doi: 10.1631/jzus.B2000423

Table 1.

Clinical characteristics and interventions of reported COVID-19 cases with HMs

Type of HM Patient demographics (gender, age, place) Symptom and incubation period Laboratory finding Radiologic finding Treatment regimen (for COVID-19 and HM) Clinical outcome Comment Reference
T-cell ALL Male, 8 years, China Intractable fever, paroxysmal dry cough WBC↓, ANC↓, ALC↓, HGB↓, PLT↓, IL-6↑, IL-10↑; Nucleic acid detection of SARS-CoV-2 ever turned to negative and soon back to positive Lung inflammation and consolidation (initially); Floc-density shadow with GGOs (after antibiotic therapies) CTX, Ara-C, up-leveled antibiotics, oxygen therapy, Arbidol, ribavirin, IFN, IVIG, etc. Unstable and low SaOЂ2ɽ; Referral to ICU 1. Patients with agranulocytosis tend to develop multiple infections or secondary viral infections and have dismal outcomes; Chen et al., 2020
2. SARS-CoV-2 might exist for an extended period in HM patients;
3. Repetitive SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid tests are needed to reduce false-negative rates and to detect the recurrence of infections.
B-cell ALL Male, 3 years and 10 months, China Cough (for nearly 33 d), fever WBC↓, ALC↓, AST↑, ALT↑, CRP↑; Initial negative results of RT-PCR Dense texture in both sides of the lungs Discontinued chemotherapy, IFN, sulfamethoxazole, others Recovery 1. Pediatric patients might bear longer durations of diagnosis than adults; Zhao et al., 2020
2. Prolonged duration of cough might be caused by a low viral load.
ALL Female, 62 years, China Initial stage: productive cough, fatigue; Progressive stage: fever, shortness of breath Initial stage: normal; Progressive stage: hemocytopenia, PCT↑, BNP↑ Mild infiltration in the right lung Lopinavir/ritonavir, antibiotics Recovery 1. Early symptoms of HM patients were uncharacteristic of the typical presentations of COVID-19; Wu et al., 2020
2. Mild COVID-19 might exacerbate the underlying hematologic diseases.
AML Female, 13 years, Italy Persistent fever WBC↓, Hb↓, PLT↓, CRP↑ Bilateral increased reticular marking Anti-microbial and antifungal therapy, HCQ, lopinavir/ritonavir Recovery Highly immunocompromised children on anticancer therapy might have a favorable outcome under proper interventions. Sieni et al., 2020
APL Male, 36 years, UK Fever, cough, sweats WBC↓, ANC↓, ALC↓, PLT↓, PT↑, d-dimer↑, ferritin↑, LDH↑, CRP↑ Extensive, predominantly peripheral, consolidative changes ATRA+ATO, enoxaparin, supportive management for COVID-19 NA 1. Both APL and COVID-19 are associated with coagulopathy, which raised diagnostic and therapeutic challenges; Farmer et al., 2020
2. Prophylactic corticosteroids to prevent DS should be reappraised in the context of COVID-19.
CLL (progressed) and NHL Male, 39 years, China Moderate fever, productive cough, dyspnea; 25 d WBC↑, lymphocyte percentage↑ GGOs and pleural fluid Oral chlorambucil (reduced dose), IFN, IVIG, methylprednisolone Remarkably improved 1. Laboratory findings are not reliable in HM patients; Jin et al., 2020
2. HM patients, as well as the glucocorticoids-therapy receivers, might have a longer incubation period.
CLL (4 cases) Male, >70 years, Spain Fever (4/4), dry cough (2/4), diarrhea (1/4) Ferritin↑ (3/4), lymphocytopenia (2/4), d-dimer↑ (1/4) Bilateral or single-lung infiltration Lopinavir/ritonavir, hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, others Recovery (4/4) 1. The prevalence of CLL was defined as 0.95% (4/420); Baumann, et al., 2020
2. Despite coexisting with various comorbidity, the course of COVID-19 was mild and controllable.
CML (accelerated phase) Male, 47 years, China Cough, fever, dyspnea, pharyngalgia Lymphocytopenia No sign of pneumonia NA Cured Radiological findings of COVID-19 could be negative in CML. Wang DY et al., 2020
CML (chronic phase) Female, 89 years, China Cough, dyspnea (oxygen therapy ineffective) Lymphocytopenia, ALT and AST↑, Cr↑, troponin- positive Typical pneumonia patterns NA Succumbed after a 3-d hospitalization 1. Elderly patients with comorbidities have a poor prognosis and high mortality; Wang DY et al., 2020
2. The degree of lymphopenia is related to the severity of the disease.
CML (chronic phase) Pregnant female, 26 years, Italy Fever Testing positive on the swab NA Paracetamol, antibiotics Recovery Chronic phase CML patients on TKI are not at higher risk of developing COVID-19. Abruzzese et al., 2020
MM Male, 60 years, China Aggravating chest tightness without fever or cough ALC↓, CRP↑, IL-6↑ Bilateral, multiple GGOs and pneumatocele located in both subpleural spaces Thalidomide, moxifloxacin IV, methylprednisolone, tocilizumab, Arbidol tablets Recovery 1. Symptoms of COVID-19 might be atypical with coexisting comorbidities; Zhang et al., 2020
2. IL-6 receptor inhibitor might be effective in alleviating cytokine storm in COVID-19.
HL Female, 22 years, Ireland Cough, fever, sore throat, chills, rigors Lymphocytopenia, CRP↑, LDH↑, PLT↓ (transiently) Infiltrates in the lower zones bilaterally Pembrolizumab, lopinavir/ritonavir, antibiotics, HCQ and azithromycin, corticosteroids Better 1. PD1-inhibitor-induced pneumonitis should be carefully differentiated in the context of COVID-19; O'Kelly et al., 2020
2. Amid COVID-19, dual pathology for lung injury, CRS should be noted when using a PD1 inhibitor.
NHL Male, 78 years, Italy Persistent fever, cough, dyspnea RT-PCR on pharyngeal swab was twice tested negative for COVID-19 and turned to positive later PET-CT: multiple FDG-avid lymphadenopathies and non-FDG-avid peripheral rounded GGO in the right upper lobe Tocilizumab, CPAP ventilation Worsen 1. False or delayed results of RT-PCR should be taken into consideration; Zanoni et al., 2020
2. Co-infection with other pathogens might influence the accuracy of RT-PCR.
Mantle cell lymphoma Female, 52 years, France Asthenia, abdominal pain, dry cough Leukocytosis, LDH↑ Early CT: no sign of pulmonary infection but multiple adenomegalies NA NA The PET/CT features of COVID-19 were in accordance with recent publications. Playe et al., 2020
PET/CT: FDG-avid bilateral ground glass and subpleural curvilinear opacities

ALC, absolute lymphocyte count; ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukemia; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AML, acute myeloid leukemia; ANC, absolute neutrophil count; APL, acute promyelocytic leukemia; Ara-C, cytarabine; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; ATO, arsenic trioxide; ATRA, all-trans retinoic acid; BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide; CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia; CML, chronic myeloid leukemia; COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019; CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure; Cr, creatine; CRP, C-reactive protein; CRS, cytokine release syndrome; CTX, cyclophosphamide; DS, differentiation syndrome; FDG, fluorodeoxyglucose; GGO, ground-glass opacity; Hb, hemoglobin; HCQ, hydroxychloroquine; HGB, hemoglobin; HL, Hodgkin lymphoma; HMs, hematological malignancies; ICU, intensive care unit; IFN, interferon; IL, interleukin; IVIG, intravenous immunoglobulin; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; MM, multiple myeloma; NA, not available; NHL, non-Hodgkin lymphoma; PET/CT, positron emission tomography/computed tomography; PLT, platelet; PT, prothrombin time; PCT, procalcitonin; PD1, programmed cell death protein 1; RT-PCR, real-time polymerase chain reaction; SaOЂ2ɽ, oxygen saturation; SARS-CoV-2, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; TKI, tyrosine kinase inhibitor; WBC, white blood cell