Opportunities and risks of teleworking.
Opportunities | Source | Risks | Sources |
Offers job opportunities for people with disabilities and for women increases job opportunities for women and employees with disability. | Morgan, 2004 | Reduction of the learning benefits that is available when people are working in the same workplace. | Cooper and Kurland, 2002 |
Global workforce available, access to a specialized knowledge regardless of geographic location. | Malhotra et al., 2007 | Social and professional isolation. | Cooper and Kurland, 2002; Golden et al., 2008; Pyoria, 2011; Bentley, 2014 |
Greater competitiveness to successfully insert in global work environments. | Avolio et al., 2014; Narayanan et al., 2017 | Employees concerns due to the reduction of career prospects by feeling less visible. | Maruyama and Tietze, 2012 |
Lower stress, lesser turnover intentions, lesser work-family imbalance and job satisfaction. | Kossek et al., 2006; Gajendran and Harrison, 2007; Fonner and Roloff, 2010; Coenen and Kok, 2014; Vega et al., 2015 | Because the flexibility, highly motivated employees can work more hours than in traditional work environment, resulting in exhaustion. | Putnam et al., 2014 |
Autonomy and flexibility at work allow harmonizing the personal and work matters favoring the workers’ well-being. | Fedakova and Ištoňová, 2017 | Physical distance and cultural diversity threaten trust building, commitment and cohesion among the team members. | Hoch and Kozlowski, 2014 |
Information availability increases job performance. | Schwarzmüller et al., 2018 | Lower job performance and demotivation. | Golden et al., 2008; Wojcak et al., 2016; Fedakova and Ištoňová, 2017 |
Contribute to the solution of global problems such as pollution and air quality, while influencing the firms’ reputation. | Giovanis, 2018 | Work-home conflicts. | Golden et al., 2008; Bentley, 2014; Delanoeije and Verbruggen, 2019 |
The team members’ heterogeneity promotes creativity and innovation through a combination of various perspectives to achieve an objective. | Gupta and Pathak, 2018 | Work and information overload that overlap with domestic and work settings. | Cortellazzo et al., 2019; Gálvez et al., 2020 |
Decreases absenteeism due to employees do not have to face difficulties to reach the workplace. | Nakrošienė et al., 2019 | ||
Opportunity to interact and establish effective virtual teams, increasing their creative capacity. | Malhotra et al., 2007; Schwarzmüller et al., 2018; Cortellazzo et al., 2019 | ||
Work autonomy and less distraction potentially allow higher productivity. | Kłopotek, 2017; Pavlova, 2019 |
Source: Authors own elaboration.