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. 2020 Dec 11;11:597529. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.597529


Demographic and laboratory findings of the study cohort.

n = 40
Age (y.o.; med ± 5–95 percentile) 39.9 (23.6–63.8)
Sex-ratio M/F 23/17
Symptomatic at diagnosis 92,5 (37/40)
Virus load at diagnosis (Ct; med ± 5–95 percentile) 25.9 (20.0–34.9)
Risk factors [n (%)] 16/40 (40%)
>70 y.o. 1 (2.5%)
CV disease 3 (7.5%)
Active smokers 6 (15.0%)
Diabetes 3 (7.5%)
Chronic lung disease 2 (5.0%)
End-stage renal disease 0
Cancer 0
Secondary ID 3 (7.5%)
Cirrhosis 0
BMI > 40 0
Outcome [n (%)]
Hospitalized 4 (10.0%)
ARDS 2 (5.0%)
ICU 1 (2.5%)
Death 0

ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; BMI, body Mass Index; CV, cardiovascular; Ct, cycle threshold; ICU, intensive Care Unit; ID, immunodepression; y.o., years old.