Table 3.
Enrichment of 10 most highly expressed biological pathways in the CSF of patients with PM.
Pathway number | Pathway name | P-adj value enrichment |
1 | Innate immune system | 3.23E-73 |
2 | Immune system | 3.72E-61 |
3 | Complement cascade, Regulation of complement cascade | 3.29E-59 |
4 | Hemostasis | 7.66E-53 |
5 | Neutrophil degranulation | 3.29E-43 |
6 | Scavenging heme from plasma | 4.16E-41 |
7 | RHO GTPases activate PKNs (actin dynamics) | 1.70E-39 |
8 | Binding and Uptake of Ligands by Scavenger Receptors | 2.77E-39 |
9 | Classical antibody-mediated complement activation | 1.23E-36 |
10 | Platelet degranulation | 7.48E-36 |