Genetically labeled ON- and OFF-starburst amacrine cells (SACs) in mouse retina. (A) Images of a living retina isolated from a ChAT-Cre/tdTomato mouse at P5, with tdTomato-labeled SACs (red) in the ganglion cell layer (GCL, left) and inner nuclear layer (INL, right). (B) Merged images of a fixed retina from a ChAT-Cre/tdTomato mouse at P5 showing colocalizations (orange) of immunostaining with anti-DsRed for tdTomato-marked cells (red) and anti-ChAT for SACs (green) in the GCL (ON-SAC, left) and INL (OFF-SACs, right). In both layers, the DsRed-labeled cells all tested were positive for the ChAT antibody. The arrows point to the ChAT positive cells that were not labeled with the DsRed antibody. (C) Two consecutive images taken in the GCL from a living retina of a ChAT-Cre/GCaMP6f mouse at P5 at a 1.02-s interval (Δt) showed that a Ca2+ wave traveled across ON-SACs from the lower-right corner (left panel) to the upper-left corner (right panel). (D) Two consecutive images taken in the INL from a living retina of a ChAT-Cre/GCaMP6f mouse at P5 with a 1.00-s interval (Δt) showed that a Ca2+ wave moved across OFF-SACs from the upper-left corner (left panel) to the lower-right corner (right panel). (C,D): The yellow dashed lines indicate the Ca2+ wave front. The arrows indicate the direction of the Ca2+ wave’s propagation.