Principle of thermal lens microscopy. The photothermal signal
is either positive or negative, depending on the positive or negative
offset between the coaxial pump and probe beams, as the thermal lens
acts as a diverging or converging lens. The signal vanishes for zero
offset. Reprinted with permission from ref (81). Copyright 2000 The Japan Society of Applied
Physics. (II) Principle of photothermal microscopy: divergence of
the probe beam (purple) induced by the thermal lens (white) around
the nanoparticle (yellow) due to the illumination of the heating beam
(green). Reprinted from ref (5). Copyright 2019 American Chemical Society. (III) Photothermal
microscopy is insensitive to nonabsorbing scatterers such as latex
beads. (Left) Differential interference contrast (DIC) image and (middle
and right) photothermal image of a sample consisting a mixture of
single 300 nm latex beads, single 80 nm gold nanopsheres, and single
10 nm gold nanospheres. In the DIC image, the strong scattering objects
are the latex beads, weakly scattering objects are single 80 nm gold
nanoparticles, and single 10 nm gold nanoparticles are not visible.
In the photothermal image at low excitation power (middle), only single
80 nm gold nanoparticles are visible, and in the photothermal image
at high excitation power (right), both types of gold nanoparticles
are visible, but the strongly scattering latex beads are not visible.
Reprinted with permission from ref (20). Copyright 2002 The American Association for
the Advancement of Science.