Figure 1.
Effect of cymoxanil on the liver. (A) Liver of rat treated with low and medium dose showing congestion (arrow) and dilation of the hepatic sinusoids (H&E, bar = 50 µm). (B) Liver of rats treated with low and medium dose showing focal hepatocytic necrosis (arrow) with moderate infiltration of mononuclear cells (H&E, bar = 50 µm). (C) Liver of rats treated with high dose showing hemorrhages (arrow) (H&E, bar = 50 µm). (D) Liver of rats treated with high dose showing extensive piecemeal necrosis (arrow) with infiltration of mononuclear cells within and at the margin of the necrosed areas (H&E, bar = 50 µm). (E) Liver of control rats showing hepatic sinusoids in between hepatic cords and they are arranged around central vein (H&E, bar = 50 µm).