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. 2020 Dec 1;10(12):1030. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics10121030

Table 2.

Characteristics of NSCLC studies included in the meta-analysis.

Author Year Tumor Type Patients Endpoints MVA * Uptake Metric Cut-Off Value SUV Threshold Reconstruction Algorithm Treatment Stage Median Follow Up Time Data Extraction
Ahuja et al. 1998 NSCLC 155 OS Yes SUVpeak (SUR) 80% of max 10.0 Fitted - Surgery, RT, CRT I-IV 20.9 months HR
Aoki et al. 2016 NSCLC 74 LC Yes SUVmax, AID 4.0 Literature - SBRT I 24.5 months HR
Borst et al. 2005 NSCLC 51 DSS, OS No SUVmax, SUV cont. variable 15.0 Median OSEM CRT I-III 17 months KM
Carvalho et al. 2013 NSCLC 220 OS No MTV, SUVmax, SUV 10.12 Median OSEM RT, CRT I-IIIB 1.47 years KM
Cerfolio et al. 2005 NSCLC 315 OS, DFS Yes SUVmax 10.0 Median Iterative Surgery +/− CRT I-IV 26 months HR
Chen et al. 2012 NSCLC 105 PFS, OS Yes TLG, MTV, SUVmax 15.0 Fitted OSEM Surgery, CT, RT or CRT I-IV 3.1 years HR
Clarke et al. 2012 NSCLC 82 OS, RFS, DFS, CSS, RR, LR, DM No SUVmax 4.75 Median - SBRT I 2 years KM
Hamamoto et al. 2011 NSCLC 26 LFF No SUVmax 5.0 Fitted - SBRT I 21 months KM
Hofheinz et al. 2016 NSCLC 31 PFS, OS No SUV, SURtc, Kslope 7.6 Fitted PSF + TOF CRT and/or surgery T1-4N0-3M0 - HR
Horne et al. 2014 NSCLC 95 LC, PFS, OS Yes SUVmax 5.0 Literature - SBRT IA-IB 16.33 months HR
Huyn et al. 2015 NSCLC 161 DFS, OS Yes SUVmax, MTV 14.0 Fitted OSEM Surgery +/− CT and/or RT IIIA-N2 20 months HR
Imamura et al. 2011 NSCLC 62 OS, PFS No SUVmax 6.0 Median 3D-RAMLA CT or CRT IIB-IV 464 days KM
Jiang et al. 2018 NSCLC 151 OS No SUVmax 13.8 Median - CRT, RT, CT I-IV 10 years HR
Kohutek et al. 2015 NSCLC 211 OS Yes SUVmax, GTV 3.0 Fitted OSEM SBRT T1-2N0M0 25.2 months HR
Lee et al. 2012 NSCLC 205 OS Yes SUVmax 13.0 Fitted Iterative Neoadj. CRT, + surgery IIIA 1.6 years HR
Nair et al. 2014 NSCLC 163 PFS, OS, LRFS, DMFS Yes SUVmax 7.0 Median - RT, SBRT T1-2N0M0 16 months KM
Nawara et al. 2012 NSCLC 91 OS No SUVmax, SUVmean 7.0 Median Iterative RT +/− induction CT I-IIIB - KM
Pyka et al. 2015 NSCLC 45 DSS, OS Yes SUVmax, SUVmean, MTV, COV, entropy, coarseness, contrast, correlation 11.2 (OS), 12.3 (DSS) Fitted OSEM SBRT T1-2N0M0 21.4 months KM
Sasaki et al. 2005 NSCLC 162 OS, DFS Yes SUVmax 5.0 Fitted Iterative Surgery +/− RT or RT/CRT I-IIIB 17 months HR
Shirai et al. 2017 NSCLC 45 LC, PFS, OS No SUVmax 5.5 Median - C-ion RT I 28.9 months KM
Sugawara et al. 1999 NSCLC 38 OS No SUVlean 8.72 Median Hanning filter Surgery, CRT I-IV 26.5 months KM
Takeda et al. 2011 NSCLC 95 LC No SUVmax 6.0 Fitted DRAMA SBRT IA-IIIB 16 months KM
Takeda et al. 2014 NSCLC 152 OS, DFS. LC, RC, DMC, CSS Yes SUVmax 3.35 (LC), 3.64 (RC), 2.47 (DMC, DFS), 2.55 (CSS, OS) Fitted RAMLA SBRT T1-2N0M0 25.3 months HR
Takeda et al. 2017 NSCLC 26 LC, PFS, OS No SUV, MTV, TLG, entropy, dissimilarity, HILAE, zone percentage 8.18 Median OSEM SBRT T1-2N0M0 36 months KM
Ulger et al. 2014 NSCLC 103 OS, RFS, DFS Yes SUVmax 10.7 Median - 3D-CRT IIIA-IIIB 22.63 months HR
Vansteenkiste et al. 1999 NSCLC 125 OS Yes SUVmax 7.0 Fitted - Surgery +/− induction CT, RT +/− induction CT I-IIIB 19 months (mean) HR
Vesselle et al. 2007 NSCLC 208 OS, DFS Yes SUVmax 7.0 Fitted Hanning filter Surgery +/− neoadj. Or adjuvant therapy I-IV 37 months HR
Vu et al. 2013 NSCLC 50 OS, RFS No SUVmax, TLG, MTV 6.43 Median - SBRT I 25.1 months HR
Xiang et al. 2012 NSCLC 84 LRFS, DMFS, PFS, OS Yes SUVmax 14.2 Median - High dose proton + CT III 19.2 months HR
Yilmaz et al. 2018 NSCLC 67 PFS, OS Yes SUVmax 15.0 Median - CRT III 20.7 months HR

* Performed multivariate analysis (MVA) in regards to the endpoints analyzed in this study: DFS and OS. Studies listed with author in italic are performed as prospective studies. Other studies are retrospective studies. NSCLC: non-small cell lung cancer, OS: overall survival, SUV: standardized uptake value, SUR: standardized uptake ratio, RT: radiotherapy, CRT: chemoradiotherapy, HR: hazard ratio, LC: local control, AID: average iodine density, SBRT: stereotactic body radiation therapy, DSS: disease-specific survival, OSEM: ordered-subset expectation maximum, KM: Kaplan-Meier, MTV: metabolic tumor volume, DFS: disease free survival, PFS: progression free survival, TLG: total lesion glycolysis, CT: chemotherapy, RFS: recurrence-free survival, CSS: cause-specific survival, RR: regional relapse, LR: local relapse, DM: distant metastasis, LFF: local failure free rate, PSF: point spread function, TOF: time of flight, RAMLA: row-action maximum-likelihood algorithm, GTV: gross tumor volume, LRFS: local recurrence-free survival, DMFS: distant metastasis free survival, COV: coefficient of variation, DRAMA: dynamic row-action expectation maximization algorithm, RC: regional control, DMC: distant metastasis control, HILAE: high-intensity large-area emphasis, and 3D-CRT: three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy.