Table 1.
SHRN development: context facilitators, T-CAS activities and impacts 2013 to 2018
Context facilitators | Cycle 1 activities 2013/2014 | Cycle 2 activities 2015/2016 | Cycle 3 activities 2017/2018 to date | System impacts | |
Strategic partnerships Goal: To develop and exploit opportunities for system reorientation |
PHIRN partnership 2005. Policy opportunities—Curriculum Review 2015, Well-being of Future Generations Act 2015, Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (Wales) Act 2015, Estyn Common Inspection Framework. |
Establishment of strategic advisory board with 8 partners. SHRN representation on 2 national bodies- Education Settings Board, Tobacco Control Board |
Expansion of board to 11 partners. SHRN representation on 3 national bodies - Obesity Strategy Board added. |
Expansion of board to 12 partners. SHRN representation on 5 national bodies—curriculum for Wales Partnership, Sex and Relationships Education Expert Panel added. |
Increases in number of cross policy and national/regional partners. SHRN representation on increased number of cross policy strategy groups. SHRN now embedded in vertical and horizontal national planning and monitoring systems with increased opportunities for system re-orientation. |
Resource investment and linkage Goal: To develop social agents and resources to facilitate system change |
HBSC funding 1985. DECIPHer funding 2010. |
MRC and HBSC survey funds. 3 core staff - Network manager, Survey manager, Administrator. 2 DECIPHer short courses (78 attendees). 2 new PhDs and 1 principal investigator. |
HCRW and PHW funds. 3 core staff. 6 DECIPHer short courses (144 attendees), Research for practice (30 attendees). 4 new PhDs and 2 principal investigators. |
HCRW, PHW, Education and Health Cabinet Secretaries and HBSC funds. 4 core staff - Welsh Government funded data analyst added. 7 DECIPHer short courses (109 attendees). 6 new PhDs, and2 principal investigators. |
Funding secured from both health and education. SHRN sustainability now embedded in horizontal cross policy resource infrastructure. Research capacity activities have developed social agents in academia. This has led to an increase in co-production activities and reciprocal outputs. Future cycle goals will focus on school level capacity development to capitalise on data led practice opportunities. |
Network development Goal: To promote new networks and social interactions for partnership opportunities |
WNHSS 1999. |
30% (n = 69) schools and 8151 pupils. 1 national network event (22 attendees) and termly newsletters. 1 webinar—whole school approach. Academic practice seminar—suicide and self harm. |
53% (115) schools and 35,071 pupils completed survey. 5 national network events (106 attendees) and termly newsletters. 7 webinars, e.g., breakfast and academic performance. Academic practice seminar—informing policy and influencing practice. |
100% (212) schools and 112,045 pupils completed survey. 6 national network events (272 attendees) and termly newsletters. 3 webinars e.g. sex and relationships education. Academic Practice seminar – Gambling. 7 pupil engagement events. Regional engagement activities. |
Total school system diffusion secured and over 60% pupil participation. New system network firmly established. An increase in number and reach of networking events has facilitated partnership opportunities that have resulted in co production for evidence generation and identified innovation in data led practice. |
Co-production activities Goal: To establish new system norms and ways of working |
PHIRN 2005. DECIPHer 2010. |
5 adopted and 2 funded studies. | 33 adopted and 20 funded cumulative studies. | 56 adopted and 32 funded cumulative studies. |
New system norms and ways of working for evidence generation firmly established. Future goals will focus on facilitating evidence translation. |
Reciprocal outputs Goal: To provide benefits for multiple stakeholders to promote emergent system stability |
67 reports provided to schools. |
87 reports provided to schools. Report provided to WNHSS. 7 academic papers e.g. e-cigarette use. 5 lay summaries e.g. school smoking policies. Regional reports piloted. |
193 reports provided to schools. Report provided to WNHSS. 5 academic papers e.g. health improvement and attainment. 3 lay summaries, e.g. school culture and health inequalities. Provision of data for Welsh Government’s Children and Young People’s Wellbeing Monitor for Wales, Well-being of Future Generations Act indicators and Active Healthy Kids Wales Report Card. 21 Regional reports for Well-being of Future Generations Act indicators. |
Year-on-year increase in number and system reach of reciprocal outputs. SHRN data provision now across policy areas (horizontal) and national, regional and local levels of the education system (vertical). A new system of data-led practice opportunities has been successfully established. |
Cancer Research UK (CRUK), Centre for the Development and Evaluation of Complex Interventions for Public Health Improvement (DECIPHer), Health Behaviour in School Children survey (HBSC), Health and Care Research Wales (HCRW), Medical Research Council (MRC), Public Health Improvement Research Network (PHIRN), Public Health Wales (PHW), Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research Data and Methods (WISERD) Welsh Network of Healthy Schools Schemes (WNHSS)