Fig. 7.
Comparison of two patients, one DLB (patient J) and one PDD (patient A) who had the most similar electrode trajectories. A. The electrodes for the PDD patient are cyan and the electrodes of the DLB patient are yellow. GPi boundaries are rendered in green based on the DISTAL atlas (Ewert et al., 2018). The view is axial from below (top), sagittal from the right (lateral) direction (bottom left) and coronal from the front (bottom right). B. Individual oscillatory components of the LFP spectra for the top channels in the four hemispheres corresponding to the electrodes in (A). Increased beta power can be seen in one of the hemispheres of the PDD patient consistent with the group effects. C. Comparison of normalized high beta coherence maps for the top channels. Each row corresponds to two channels for which the corresponding midpoints between the top two electrode contacts were the closest in the template space. Peaks around the sensorimotor hand area are seen in the DLB patient and not in the PDD patient.