Figure 3.
CBG banded karyotypes of (a) the walrus and true seals: (b) the bearded seal *, (c) Baikal seal **, (d) ringed seal, and (e) harbor seal. For the harbor seal, as is the case for all the species in this article, chromosomes are arranged in descending order. Correspondence to the harbor seal nomenclature of Fronicke et al [8] is given in parentheses. * The C-banding fully matches the one published earlier [20]. Note additional telomeric heterochromatin segments on p-arms of four autosome pairs in EBAR (asterisk). ** Note an intercalary heterochromatin segment in PSIB1p near the region containing rDNA genes (asterisk). CBG banded karyotypes of the eared seals: (f) the New Zealand fur seal, (g) northern fur seal *, (h) New Zealand sea lion, and (i) northern sea lion. * Interstitial heterochromatin in CURS1p, CURS 4q, and CURS10q and additional telomeric heterochromatin segments on p-arms are marked by an asterisk.