Pollen tubes in the stylar canal inside the column and seed chamber of fruits of Acianthera johannensis (A,C–F) and A. fabiobarrosii (B), after experimental self-pollination, using transmission electron microscopy. (A) Pollen tubes with the cytoplasm (asterisks) in a degeneration process (7 days after pollination-DAP), evidenced by the high electron density. (B) Pollen tube (9 DAP) with large periplasmic space and degenerated cytoplasm (asterisk). (C) Detail of a pollen tube with endoplasmic reticulum with dilated membranes and dictyosomes in the degeneration process (7 DAP). (D) Pollen tube with cytoplasm in the degeneration process. Note the presence of vacuoles with an irregular contour and flocculated content with internal membranes (arrowheads). (E,F) Pollen tubes in the seed chamber of mature fruit (90 DAP). In (F), notice the degenerated cytoplasm (asterisks) and the deposition of callose plugs. ca, callose. di, dictyosome. er, endoplasmic reticulum. pe, periplasmic space. pt, pollen tube. va, vacuole.