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. 2020 Oct 20;9(21):e011890. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.118.011890

Table 3.

Characteristics at Listing for Support Group for Patients With CHD

Characteristics at Listing VAD (n=29) ECMO (n=88) Unsupported (n=1109) P Value VAD or ECMO at Listing (n=117) VAD or ECMO After Listing (n=128) P Value
Male sex 16 (55.2) 50 (56.8) 635 (57.3) 1.0 66 (56.4) 79 (61.7) 0.4
White race 22 (75.9) 56 (63.6) 766 (69.1) 0.4 78 (66.7) 87 (68.0) 0.8
Single ventricle 7 (24.1) 40 (45.5) 674 (60.8) <0.0001 47 (40.2) 77 (60.2) 0.002
Status 1A 19 (95.0) 78 (98.7) 871 (86.8) 0.005 97 (98.0) 108 (93.1) 0.09
Status 1B 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 82 (8.2) 0.01 0 (0.0) 6 (5.2) 0.02
PRA >10 6 (24.0) 9 (11.7) 297 (29.2) 0.004 15 (14.7) 29 (25.0) 0.1
Ventilator at listing 20 (71.4) 78 (88.6) 411 (38.7) <0.0001 98 (84.5) 60 (48.4) <0.001
Inotropes at listing 16 (59.3) 66 (75.9) 749 (67.6) 0.2 82 (71.9) 94 (73.4) 0.8
History of surgery at listing 25 (86.2) 80 (90.9) 825 (74.5) 0.001 105 (89.7) 93 (72.7) <0.001
History of renal insufficiency 2 (7.1) 10 (11.6) 52 (4.8) 0.02 12 (10.5) 4 (3.3) 0.03
Age at listing, mo 9.0±6.4 3.1±4.3 5.3±6.5 <0.0001 4.5±5.5 5.1±5.7 0.5
Weight at listing, kg 6.0±2.1 4.4±1.9 5.2±2.0 0.0001 4.8±2.0 5.2±2.0 0.1
Patients with weight <5 kg 12 (41.4) 65 (73.9) 620 (55.9) 0.001 77 (65.8) 71 (55.5) 0.1
Serum albumin, g/dL 3.3±0.5 3.0±0.7 3.4±1.6 0.1 3.1±0.7 3.2±0.7 0.3
Bilirubin at listing, mg/dL 0.8±0.8 3.0±5.0 1.7±2.7 0.0002 2.5±4.5 1.8±2.5 0.1
Creatinine at listing, mg/dL 0.4±0.2 0.5±0.3 0.4±0.5 0.1 0.5±0.3 0.4±0.2 <0.001
Transplant year 2015.3±2.3 2014.9±2.6 2014.3±2.5 0.1 2015.0±2.5 2015.0±2.6 1.0

Data are given as number (percentage) or mean±SD. CHD indicates congenital heart disease; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; PRA, panel reactive antibody; and VAD, ventricular assist device.