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. 2020 Oct 20;9(21):e011890. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.118.011890

Table 6.

Adjusted Risk of Mortality on the Wait List by Diagnosis and MSC Use

Variable Hazard Ratio 95% CI P Value
Parametric hazard modeling results for CHD
Race (White) 0.76 0.60–1.0 0.04
List year (since 2010) 0.92 0.88–0.96 0.0004
ECMO 4.40 3.30–5.85 <0.0001
VAD 2.46 1.65–3.66 <0.0001
Weight at listing, kg 0.94 0.88–1.00 0.05
Status 1A at listing 2.04 1.27–3.28 0.003
Ventilator at listing 1.54 1.18–2.01 0.001
Parametric hazard modeling results for cardiomyopathy
ECMO 3.48 2.16–5.60 <0.0001
VAD 1.83 1.18–2.86 0.008
Ventilator at listing 1.79 1.20–2.68 0.005
Parametric hazard modeling results for ECMO
List year (since 2010) 0.89 0.82–0.96 0.002
CHD 2.7 1.75–4.16 <0.0001
Parametric hazard modeling results for VAD
Weight at listing (logarithmic), kg 0.324 0.17–0.62 0.0006
CHD 2.19 1.31–3.66 0.003

Patients are in >1 cohort. CHD indicates congenital heart disease; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; MSC, mechanical circulatory support; and VAD, ventricular assist device.