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. 2020 Oct 22;9(21):e017748. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.120.017748

Figure 2. RBC storage age is associated with heart rate slowing and sinus node dysfunction.

Figure 2

A, Biosignals recorded from isolated hearts perfused with media supplemented with 10% sRBC collected from a day 7 unit, or (B) day 40 unit. ECGs were recorded during sinus rhythm (RR interval highlighted), followed by train of atrial paces (black arrowheads denote pacing spikes). Each atrial pace results in a ventricular response. SNRT was measured from the last pacing spike to resumption of sinus rhythm. C, Stable heart rate following exposure to RBC units aged 7–30 d, but bradycardia observed with sRBC collected from units aged ≥ 40 d. D, HR slowing observed at highest potassium concentration tested (12 mM K+). E, Exposure to day 40 sRBC resulted in slowed sinus node recovery, or complete cessation of sinus function with day 50 sRBC. F, Increased SNRT also observed at highest potassium concentration tested (12 mM K+). Mean±SEM, *P<0.05, n=3–6. BPM indicates beats per minute; HR, heart rate; RBC, red blood cell; SNRT, sinus node recovery time; and sRBC, supernatant from red blood cell units.