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. 2020 Dec 9;17(24):9209. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17249209

Table 4.

Mobile App Rating Scale (MARS) scoring of the lower back pain (LBP)-related applications (apps).

App Name App Quality Mean (SD) Ta Section Mean (SD) User’s Stars Score
Back pain relief exercises 4.11 (0.70) T1 3.6 (0.89) 5 (0) 4.33 (0.58) 3.5 (1.97) 3 (1.41) 4.17 (0.98) 1.0 (5)
Lower back yoga—floor class 4.11 (0.70) T1 3.6 (1.14) 5 (0) 4.33 (0.58) 3.5 (1.97) 3.25 (1.5) 4.33 (1.03) N/A
Regimen- back pain relief 3.8 (0.30) T2 3.6 (0.89) 4.25 (0.5) 3.67 (0.58) 3.67 (1.5) 2.75 (1) 3 (0) N/A
6 Minute Back Pain Relief 3.99 (0.76) T1 3.8 (0.84) 5 (0) 4 (0) 3.17 (1.33) 1.25 (1.26) 2.16 (1.33) 4.4 (1301)
Yoga Poses for Lower Back Pain Relief 3.17 (1.41) T3 3.4 (1.14) 5 (0) 1.67 (0.58) 2.6 (1.14) 2.25 (0.5) 1.83 (0.98) 4.5 (326)
Lower Back Pain Exercises 3.82 (0.89) T2 3.8 (0.84) 5 (0) 3.67 (0.58) 2.83 (0.98) 2.25 (0.96) 2 (1.09) 4 (6)
Escuela de Espalda 3.91 (1.02) T2 2.8 (0.84) 4.5 (0.58) 5 (0) 3.33 (1.21) 2.25 (0.96) 2.67 (1.21) 5 (28)
WomenBackWorkout 3.82 (0.89) T2 3.8 (0.84) 5 (0) 3.67 (0.58) 2.83 (0.98) 3.5 (0.96) 2 (1.09) 4 (6)
Healthy Spine & Straight PostureBack exercises/Columna vertebral sana & Postura recta 4.57 (0.63) T1 4.6 (0.55) 5 (0) 5 (0) 3.67 (1.50) 2.25 (1.73) 3.33 (1.63) 4.6 (6246)
Back Doctor (FREE) Health. Stretch. Workout 3.43 (1.04) T3 3 (1) 4.25 (0.96) 4.33 (0.58) 2.17 (0.75) 1.5 (0.96) 2.83 (0.98) 4.4 (78)
Right Motion—Alivia tu dolor solo con ejercicios 2.83 (0.79) T3 2.4 (0.89) 4 (0) 2.33 (0.58) 2.6 (0.89) 1.75 (1.5) 2 (0.63) 4.4 (104)
Healo 4.2 (1.23) T1 4.4 (0.55) 5 (0) 5 (0) 2.4 (0.89) 4.25 (0.58) 3.5 (0.84) 4.2 (5)
Doado. Your Back Companion 3.75 (0.97) T3 3 (1.22) 4.5 (0.58) 4.67 (0.58) 2.83 (0.98) 2.75 (0.5) 2.83 (0.75) 4.6 (498)
Bella’s Lower Back Pain Exercises 3.8 (0.89) T3 2.8 (1.3) 4.75 (0.5) 4.33 (0.58) 3.33 (1.21) 1.75 (0.5) 1.83 (0.41) N/A
Healure: Physiotherapy Exercise Plans 3.47 (0.86) T3 4 (0.70) 4 (0) 3.67 (0.58) 2.2 (0.84) 2.75 (1.26) 2.83 (1.16) 3.8 (155)
Curable: Back Pain, Migraine & Chronic Pain Relief 4.38 (0.82) T1 4.6 (0.55) 4.75 (0.5) 5 (0) 3.17 (1.17) 4 (1.41) 4 (0) 3.8 (159)
Improve Posture For A Healthy Spine 3.9 (1.43) T2 3.6 (1.14) 5 (0) 5 (0) 2 (0.7) 2.75 (1.26) 2.67 (1.03) 3.5 (8)
TOTAL MEAN 3.82 3.58 4.7 4.1 2.93 2.6 2.82 4.01

T: tertile; Tertile legend: T1: best-rated applications (apps); T2: average apps; T3: worst-rated apps; A: Engagement; B: Functionality; C: Aesthetics; D: Information; E: App subjective quality; F: App specific; N/A: not applicable.