A,Traces show mean arterial blood pressure at baseline (day [D] and night [N] 1–2) and in response to ANGII‐infused intravenously for 8 days in diabetic WT (WT STZ, n=7) and knockout mice (KO STZ, n=6) and control WT (WT VEH, n=12) and knockout mice (KO VEH, n=8). B, ANGII increased mean arterial blood pressure significantly in WT vehicle, WT streptozotocin, and knockout vehicle. The response was abolished in knockout streptozotocin, and mean arterial blood pressure was significantly lower in knockout streptozotocin compared with WT streptozotocin and knockout vehicle. Baseline corresponded to mean of days 1 to 2 and ANGII to mean of days 6 to 9 (when the response in mean arterial blood pressure to ANGII reached a plateau) in (A). *P<0.05, **P<0.01 (compared between groups), ***P<0.001 (compared within or between groups), ****P<0.0001. D1=day 1 (6 am to 6 pm), N1=night 1, etc.