Figure 3. Effect of amiloride infusion on blood pressure in angiotensin II (ANGII)–infused wild‐type (WT) mice with diabetes mellitus (STZ).
A, Traces show mean arterial blood pressure in diabetic WT mice at baseline (day [D] and night [N] 1–2), in response to ANGII infused intravenously for 7 days (D and N 3–9) with (WT STZ amiloride, n=8) or without (WT STZ controls, n=7) amiloride (Amil) for 4 days (D and N 6–9). Mean arterial blood pressure was significantly lower in WT streptozotocin Amil from N7 when evaluated by repeated‐measures analysis of variance. B, ANGII increased mean arterial blood pressure significantly and similarly in both groups before Amil intervention. Following Amil treatment, mean arterial blood pressure decreased and was no longer different from baseline. Baseline corresponded to days 1 to 2, ANGII to days 4 to 5, and with Amil (ANGII w Amil) or controls without (ANGII w/o Amil) corresponded to days 8 to 9. **P<0.01, ***P<0.001, ****P<0.0001. D1=day 1 (6 am to 6 pm), N1=night 1, etc.